3,171 research outputs found

    Dynamical systems and categories

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    We study questions motivated by results in the classical theory of dynamical systems in the context of triangulated and A-infinity categories. First, entropy is defined for exact endofunctors and computed in a variety of examples. In particular, the classical entropy of a pseudo-Anosov map is recovered from the induced functor on the Fukaya category. Second, the density of the set of phases of a Bridgeland stability condition is studied and a complete answer is given in the case of bounded derived categories of quivers. Certain exceptional pairs in triangulated categories, which we call Kronecker pairs, are used to construct stability conditions with density of phases. Some open questions and further directions are outlined as well.Comment: 35 page

    Coffee Queue Project

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    In this paper, a computer vision system for counting people standing in line is presented. In this application, common techniques such as Adaptive Background Subtraction (ABS), blob tracking with Kalman filter, and occlusion resistive techniques are used to detect and track people. Additionally, a novel method using Dual Adaptive Background Subtractors (DABS) is implemented for dynamically determining the line region in a real-world crowded scene, and also as an alternative target acquisition to regular ABS. The DABS technique acts as a temporal bandpass filter for motion, helping identify people standing in line while in the presence of other moving people. This is achieved by using two ABS with different temporal adaptiveness. Unlike other computer vision papers which perform tests in highly controlled environments, the DABS technique is tested in a crowded Starbucks© at the Cal Poly student union. For any length of people standing in line, result shows that DABS has a lower mean error by one or more people when compared to ABS. Even in challenging crowded scenes where the line can reach 19 people in length, DABS achieves a Normalized RMS Error of 43%

    e-Justice as adopted in Bulgaria

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    Associate Professor Dr George G. Dimitrov sets out the Concept on E-Justice adopted by the Bulgarian Council of Ministers in 2012, and sets out the purpose of the Multi-annual Action Plan for the period 2009-2013 in the area of European E-Justice Index words: Bulgaria; e-Justice; judicial reform; legal effect of electronic documents and electronic signatures in the judicial system; amending substantive and procedural laws

    Legal aspects of electronic signatures in Bulgaria

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    George G. Dimitrov examines the Bulgarian law on electronic signatures in detai